Monday, March 15, 2010

Sitka: Cloud's lead mare

The picture above is Cloud, Sitka and Sitka's daughter. Cloud is the one that's almost white, and Sitka is the bigger, pregnant mare. The littler filly is Sitka's daughter. Sitka is Cloud's lead mare. She leads the band to places like the water hole or the meadow. She decides things like, "Do we need to rest? Let's take a visit and go to the water hole. It's raining, let's go into the tall trees." Sitka made those decisions. Cloud usually was the one protecting the rear while Sitka was leading the way. Sitka was a big help to Cloud because when some young bachelor stallions came and took her and the band away, she ran off and came back to Cloud so Cloud got his band back. That was, that was a great mare. She died when she was p 16 or 17.